Get rid of your credit cards
If you're determined to reduce your debt, cutting up your credit cards will help. If you do not have them, you can not use them. If this is too big of a step for you, at least get rid of the unnecessary ones.
Pay off your debts
If you have already acquired some debt you need to pay off, now's the time to get started. Decide which debt is your smallest and start with that one. Pay on it as your budget will allow. Once you have gotten your smallest debt paid off, you'll have a feeling of satisfaction and know that you just can pay off your debts. Then move to the next smallest debt, when you are paying them off one by one, it's easier to do, without feeling overwhelmed. Before you know it, all of your debts will be paid and you'll feel great about knowing you paid them off.
Debt consolidation
Debt consolidation is another choice to look at for reducing your debt. Debt consolidation companies, will call your creditors for you, and make payment arrangements for your debts. Many companies will get you one low monthly payment to pay monthly until all of your debt is paid off.
Financial counseling
Make an appointment with a financial counselor to help you reduce your debt. Some people find, having someone else point out the errors in their spending habits to help tremendously. Financial counselors can also show you ways to better manage your money, and stick to a budget.